Cardilol Tablet

Brand Name: Cardilol Tablet 
Active Ingredient: Carvedilol 25mg Tablet
                             Carvedilol 6.25mg Tablet

When is Cardilol Tablet prescribed for?
Cardilol Tablet is prescribed for the treatment of essential ( non –organically determined) hypertension, chronic stable angina pectoris and chronic heart failure.

How should you take Cardilol Tablet?

  • Increasing to 25 mg once daily thereafter this may be increased to 50 mg/day if necessary after 2
  • In patients with controlled CHF the daily dosage of Cardilol should be titrated upward gradually from 3.125 mg twice daily over an interval of at least 2 weeks.
  • The dosage should be increased to the maximum tolerated dosage up to a maintenance dosage of 25 mg twice daily.
  • In the treatment of Angina pectoris, the recommended dose for initiation of therapy is 12.5 mg twice a day for the first 2 days thereafter.
  • The recommended dosage is 25 mg twice a day if necessary the dosage may subsequently be increased at interval of at least 2 weeks.

When Cardilol Tablet must not be prescribed?

  • Simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors (Except: MAO-B inhibitor).
  •  Bronchial asthma, Chronic Bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema.
  • Second or third degree AV block, sinus node syndrome, sinoatrial block.
  • Cardiogenic shock or severe bradycardia.
  • Clinically manifested hepatic impairment.
  • In patients hypersensitive to the active ingredient carvedilol or to other ingredients of the product.
  • Patients under 18 years old.
  • Impaired renal function/serum creatinine concentration > 1.8 mg/dl or creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min.
  • Metabolic acidosis.

Other drugs that interact with Cardilol Tablet:

  • Catecholamine-depleting agent: e.g. Reserpine and MAO inhibitors when taken with Cardilol should be observed closely for signs of hypotension and/or severe bradycardia.
  • Clonidine: when given with Cardilol, may potentiate blood pressure and heart rate lowering effects.
  • When given concomitantly and Clonidine is to be terminated Cardilol should be discontinued first.
  • Clonidine therapy can then be discontinued several days later by gradually lowering the dose.
  • Digoxin: digoxin concentration is increased by 15% when given concomitantly and both slow AV conduction. Therefore. Increased monitoring of digoxin is recommended when initialling. Adjusting, discontinuing Cardilol.
  • Calcium channel Blockers: As with other B-Blockers, Cardilol when co-administered with Verapamil or Diltiazem type.
  • It is recommended that ECG and blood pressure be monitored.
  • Insulin or oral hypoglycemics: as with other B-Blockers, Cardilol may enhance blood-sugar-reducing effect when given concomitantly so blood sugar regular monitoring is required with anaesthetics.
  • If Cardilol treatment is to be continued perioperatively, particular care should be taken when anaesthetic agents which depresses myocardial function, such as ether.
  • Cyclopropane and trichloroethylene are to be used.

Possible Side effects with Cardilol Tablet:

  • Occasionally dizziness, headache and tiredness may occur. Gastrointestinal upset (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation). 
  • Postural hypotension, Fluid overload, on rare occasion, there may be angina pectoris or disturbances of conduction from the atrium to the ventricle of the heart.
  • There have been reports of isolated cases of allergic reactions.
  • Upper respiratory tract infection.
  • Urinary tract infection.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Body as a whole: Fatigue. Chest pain, Oedema, Fever.
  • Cardiovascular: Bradycardia, Hypotension, Syncope, AV-block

Some Warnings and Precautions about Cardilol Tablet

  • Mild and reversible hepatocellular injury has occurred rarely. If the patient has laboratory evidence of liver injury or jaundice, Cardilol should be stopped and not restarted.
  • Peripheral vascular disease: B-Blockers can precipitate or aggravate symptoms of arterial insufficiency in patients with peripheral vascular disease. Caution should be exercised in such individuals.

Cardilol Tablet should not be used during pregnancy and lactation

It is recommended that Cardilol Tablet be kept in their closed boxes as tablets may discolor when exposed to light