Stay up to date to the latest
news and upadtes in the
pharmaceutical industry.
    Marcyrl Group celebrates the launch of Ruxotop
    Collaborating with The Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA) Marcyrl Group launched a new innovative product with several KOLs in dermatology from around Egypt.
    The Egyptian Drug Authority appreciates Marcyrl Group
    EDA Appreciation Marcyrl Group for their Distinguished contributions towards upgrading the Egyptian Exports of Medical Products during 2023.
    The 64th Annual International Congress of The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases & Tuberculosis 2023
    Marcyrl Group contributes significantly to The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis through pharmaceutical products at the 64th Annual International Congress of The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases & Tuberculosis 2023.
    The Ambassador of South Africa visits Marcyrl Group facilities
    The ambassador of South Africa visits Marcyrl Group facilities to enhance collaboration between them to improve the health sector in Africa.
    The key stakeholders of Cong DRC visit Marcyrl Group facilities
    The key stakeholders in Pharmaceutical Health Authorities in Congo DRC along with key persons from the chamber of commerce and industry explore possibilities to export pharmaceutical products to Congo DRS
    The Ambassador of The Republic of Mali visits Marcyrl Group facilities
    The Ambassador of the Republic of Mali visits Marcyrl facilities to magnify the process of cooperation to enhance the pharmaceutical sector in Africa.
    The 57th Annual Conference of Egyptian Urological Association 2023
    Marcyrl Group contributes significantly to The Egyptian Urological Association through The 57th annual conference of the Egyptian Urological Association 2023.
Why partner with us
How we could work together
Therapeutic areas
Alimentary & Metabolism
Blood & Blood Forming Organs
Genital & urinary systems & Sex Hormones
Systemic Hormones
Systemic Anti-infectives
Hospital Solutions
Antineoplastic & Immunomodulators
Muscu-skeletal system
Nervous system
Sensory organs
Head Office


16 El Mosheer Ahmed Ismail St., Square 1160, Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt